David and I used to joke about where we were going to have our ashes scattered. He wanted to be made into a bullet or dropped off somewhere in France : ) Ruby and I just happened to be going to Paris and staying about three blocks from Père Lachaise Cemetery, so we decided to bring him on our trip and drop him off there. We thought Le Division 41 would be perfect but there were too many cemetery cops to discretely dispense David. Next, we thought, “hey let’s go put David with Jim Morrison!!!!?” But when we got to Jim’s grave we realized that David was way cooler than him. Instead, we doubled 41, which came out to be Division 82. We scattered David’s ashes
under the sign for the 82nd Division. It is in the northwest corner of the graveyard. Coincidentally, in the grave closest to the sign, right next to where David is, lies Jean de Yakovleff who departed this realm on April 12th, 1882- exactly 140 years before David. And now that’s where D.W. Freel lives today : ) So go visit him if you’re there 🙂
—Bob Patrick 2023
Père Lachaise Cemetery